


What is a session like?

I conduct sessions both in person and on the telephone.
Of course, there are differences, but their similarities
are more important:

  • Both are effective in achieving transformation.

  • Both can be equally powerful.

In Person
Each session begins with Integrative Kabbalistic Healing, which has two parts. First, we sit in dialogue with one another.  I listen deeply on many levels, to words, body language, emotions, energy, spirit.

The second part is tablework. Fully clothed, you lie on the table. Gently holding your hip and shoulder, I connect with the sources of healing, to bring you into proper alignment with the non-personal transcendent reality, awakening you to the already-healed place within – bringing the gift that only you have to offer to its fulfillment.

In person, as the need arises, I am able to use all of the healing therapies in which I am trained, to assist you on your healing journey.

On the Phone
Telephone sessions also begin with Integrative Kabbalistic Healing, and are nearly identical. The difference is that, as the need arises, I am able to use only six of the ten healing therapies in which I am trained.

What I have learned is that there are many paths to healing, and it is not up to me which works best. I am not even sure it is up to you. I think the Source of Healing uses whatever it can to transform us. Ultimately, in person or on the phone – body work, energy work, and spirit work – are all the same.


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